Monday, November 11, 2013

Going Home

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:W Vanowen Pl,Burbank,United States

Trip to LA

The KFLs made a trip to LA on Veterans Day. Kids had a 4-day weekend so we are off to LA to visit Lola and Lolo.

Here's the family

We are waiting for Tito Raymund to pick us up at Burbank Airport

Here's our friend

Snuggle time

We also went to Self Realization Temple

John discovered the bamboo

Kitty wanted to take picture of this flower

Location:Eagle Rock Blvd,Los Angeles,United States

Friday, November 8, 2013

KFL's to Burbank

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Airport Blvd,Sacramento,United States

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Cub Scouts - Update

Update #1:

On Saturday afternoon John went door-to-door in his neighborhood selling tickets for the Pancake Breakfast.

Results: In one hour all ten of his tickets were sold. No rejections.

Bottom line: If the door opened, he made a sale.


Update #2:
Internet sales were also successful. Thank you Uncle Todd, Tito Raymund and Gramma!

A plea to help support your local Cub Scout:

YouTube Video

Your local Cub Scout

Local Cub Scout and sister

Out take:

YouTube Video

John & Kate - Dream Big

John's Photography

Here are the pictures of John that took. John's Photography