Saturday, August 9, 2014

Time to Go Home

August 3, 2014

Daddy and the kids were at the Flag Ceremony for the boy scouts. 

So, here I was taking down the tent and all the camping gears that went with it. Two hours later, the barn, the canopy, the sleeping bags, sleeping pads and all our our camping gears were put away and in the car. I still could not believe that  it took 1 person to pack up our things.

Here was the our campsite with all the gears stowed away. I don't want to brag but I was proud of myself to pack all our things by myself.

Here is our Boy Scout. Enjoying everything about camping. Exploring! And having fun!

 John started this new stunt. This activity kept them busy for a while. They had fun as well. Who needs electronic devices when they can be creative enough to play with what rescues they have.

Disclaimer: No kids were harmed in this creative game. 

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John & Kate - Dream Big

John's Photography

Here are the pictures of John that took. John's Photography