Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day 1 (April 3) - Hit the Road Jack

It was now time to hit the road again. This is a typical street here. At this time, while we were driving,  the kids are now asleep.

We were supposed to go to Walmart (Yes. Walmart.) to get a few things before we head out our hotel. Since the kids were asleep, we decided to check out Poas Volcano instead. This volcano was just a few km from Walmart. Doing this long drive will let the kids nap longer.  I'm so glad to that we have our own rental car and Eric was brave enough to drive so we can make decisions on the fly!

Bikes and cars share the road.

 Small Town Costa Rica 

  I can now see that we so close to the volcano!

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John & Kate - Dream Big

John's Photography

Here are the pictures of John that took. John's Photography